Heidelberg Educational Numerics Library Version 0.27 (from 15 March 2021)
▼Nhdnum | |
▼Noc | |
▼COpCounter | |
CCounters | Struct storing the number of operations |
CBanach | Solve nonlinear problem using a fixed point iteration |
CDenseMatrix | Class with mathematical matrix operations |
CDIRK | Implementation of a general Diagonal Implicit Runge-Kutta method |
CEE | Explicit Euler method as an example for an ODE solver |
CErrorException | General Error |
CException | Base class for Exceptions |
CGenericNonlinearProblem | A generic problem class that can be set up with a lambda defining F(x)=0 |
CHeun2 | Heun method (order 2 with 2 stages) |
CHeun3 | Heun method (order 3 with 3 stages) |
CIE | Implicit Euler using Newton's method to solve nonlinear system |
CImplicitRungeKuttaStepProblem | Nonlinear problem we need to solve to do one step of an implicit Runge Kutta method |
CInvalidStateException | Default exception if a function was called while the object is not in a valid state for that function |
CIOError | Default exception class for I/O errors |
CKutta3 | Kutta method (order 3 with 3 stages) |
CMathError | Default exception class for mathematical errors |
CModifiedEuler | Modified Euler method (order 2 with 2 stages) |
CNewton | Solve nonlinear problem using a damped Newton method |
CNotImplemented | Default exception for dummy implementations |
COutOfMemoryError | Default exception if memory allocation fails |
CRangeError | Default exception class for range errors |
CRE | Adaptive one-step method using Richardson extrapolation |
CRKF45 | Adaptive Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg method |
CRungeKutta | Classical Runge-Kutta method (order n with n stages) |
CRungeKutta4 | Classical Runge-Kutta method (order 4 with 4 stages) |
CSGrid | Structured Grid for Finite Differences |
▼CSparseMatrix | Sparse matrix Class with mathematical matrix operations |
Cbuilder | |
Ccolumn_index_iterator | |
Cconst_column_index_iterator | |
Cconst_row_iterator | |
Crow_iterator | |
CSquareRootProblem | Example class for a nonlinear model F(x) = 0; |
CStationarySolver | Stationary problem solver. E.g. for elliptic problmes |
CSystemError | Default exception class for OS errors |
CTimer | A simple stop watch |
CTimerError | Exception thrown by the Timer class |
CVector | Class with mathematical vector operations |