Heidelberg Educational Numerics Library Version 0.27 (from 15 March 2021)
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hdnum::Banach Class Reference

Solve nonlinear problem using a fixed point iteration. More...

#include <newton.hh>

Public Member Functions

 Banach ()
 constructor stores reference to the model
void set_maxit (size_type n)
 maximum number of iterations before giving up
void set_sigma (double sigma_)
 damping parameter
void set_linesearchsteps (size_type n)
 maximum number of steps in linesearch before giving up
void set_verbosity (size_type n)
 control output given 0=nothing, 1=summary, 2=every step, 3=include line search
void set_abslimit (double l)
 basolute limit for defect
void set_reduction (double l)
 reduction factor
template<class M >
void solve (const M &model, Vector< typename M::number_type > &x) const
 do one step
bool has_converged () const

Detailed Description

Solve nonlinear problem using a fixed point iteration.

solve F(x) = 0.

\[ x = x - \sigma*F(x) \]

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