Heidelberg Educational Numerics Library Version 0.27 (from 15 March 2021)
Classes | Functions
ode.hh File Reference

solvers for ordinary differential equations More...

#include <vector>
#include "newton.hh"

Go to the source code of this file.


class  hdnum::EE< M >
 Explicit Euler method as an example for an ODE solver. More...
class  hdnum::ModifiedEuler< M >
 Modified Euler method (order 2 with 2 stages) More...
class  hdnum::Heun2< M >
 Heun method (order 2 with 2 stages) More...
class  hdnum::Heun3< M >
 Heun method (order 3 with 3 stages) More...
class  hdnum::Kutta3< M >
 Kutta method (order 3 with 3 stages) More...
class  hdnum::RungeKutta4< M >
 classical Runge-Kutta method (order 4 with 4 stages) More...
class  hdnum::RKF45< M >
 Adaptive Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg method. More...
class  hdnum::RE< M, S >
 Adaptive one-step method using Richardson extrapolation. More...
class  hdnum::IE< M, S >
 Implicit Euler using Newton's method to solve nonlinear system. More...
class  hdnum::DIRK< M, S >
 Implementation of a general Diagonal Implicit Runge-Kutta method. More...


template<class T , class N >
void hdnum::gnuplot (const std::string &fname, const std::vector< T > t, const std::vector< Vector< N > > u)
 gnuplot output for time and state sequence
template<class T , class N >
void hdnum::gnuplot (const std::string &fname, const std::vector< T > t, const std::vector< Vector< N > > u, const std::vector< T > dt)
 gnuplot output for time and state sequence

Detailed Description

solvers for ordinary differential equations