Heidelberg Educational Numerics Library Version 0.27 (from 15 March 2021)
hdnum::DIRK< M, S > Member List

This is the complete list of members for hdnum::DIRK< M, S >, including all inherited members.

ButcherTableau typedefhdnum::DIRK< M, S >
DIRK(const M &model_, const S &newton_, const ButcherTableau &butcher_, const int order_)hdnum::DIRK< M, S >inline
DIRK(const M &model_, const S &newton_, const std::string method)hdnum::DIRK< M, S >inline
get_dt() consthdnum::DIRK< M, S >inline
get_error() consthdnum::DIRK< M, S >inline
get_info() consthdnum::DIRK< M, S >inline
get_order() consthdnum::DIRK< M, S >inline
get_state() consthdnum::DIRK< M, S >inline
get_time() consthdnum::DIRK< M, S >inline
number_type typedefhdnum::DIRK< M, S >
set_dt(time_type dt_)hdnum::DIRK< M, S >inline
set_state(time_type t_, const Vector< number_type > &u_)hdnum::DIRK< M, S >inline
set_verbosity(size_type verbosity_)hdnum::DIRK< M, S >inline
size_type typedefhdnum::DIRK< M, S >
step()hdnum::DIRK< M, S >inline
time_type typedefhdnum::DIRK< M, S >